A look at cosmetic definitions across the globe
A look at cosmetic definitions across the globe
By CE Way Regulatory Consultants
The first step in cosmetic product registration in any country across the world is product classification. Before you get started with the registration process, it is important to check whether the product, you wish to register, is indeed a cosmetic product in the country, where you want to register and sell your product.
In order to do so, you have to know the definition of a cosmetic product. Cosmetic regulations, including the definition of a cosmetic product, vary from country to country.
Only by knowing the definition, you can make the appropriate classification of your product and make sure that it does not fall under a different regulation.
Although the regulations differ, it is always important to take into consideration the claims used to market the product. Any use of a therapeutic claim will make your product fall outside of the cosmetic regulation.
Read the full article in cosmeticsbusiness.com