COSMETICS FROM INSIDE OUT: From latest Marketing Trends to Global Regulatory Affairs
The cosmetic industry is exciting, because of its ability to adapt to the consumer’s needs and desires for change (i.e. animal test ban), yet remain on the cutting edge of scientific advances and trends. But everything that makes it so attractive and interesting also offers new challenges. For professionals working in this industry sector, it therefore requires global regulatory updates, and gaining new concepts on marketing trends & technical formulations.
Cosmetics Consultants Europe (CCE) is a new Association, whose primary goal is to unite dedicated European consultants working in the cosmetics, personal care sectors, represent them in dealings with EU legislation and support its growing membership’s common interests in scientific, regulatory, business & legal affairs.
Cosmetics Consultants Europe (CCE) has organized its second Open Academy in Barcelona, Spain. Titled, “COSMETICS FROM INSIDE OUT: From latest Marketing Trends to Global Regulatory Affairs”, this annual meeting brings together consultants from various nations of the cosmetic sector. The aim of this meeting is to provide a platform and opportunity to share information about the latest regulatory updates and of course ‘meet, greet & network’!
Our Open Academy will highlight short presentations on EU Member States’ additional legal requirements and provide regulatory overviews about Brazil, Israel, Turkey, Australia and certain African nations. Likewise, the first presentation of the new CCE’s Guidance on Safety Assessment will take place.
CCE’s 2nd Open Academy will be held on 5-6. November 2018 at the Spanish Society of Cosmetic Chemists · SEQC
With panel discussions included, the sessions are the following:
Day 1: Mon., 5. Nov. | ‘Catalonian-style’ buffet lunches incl. with coffee/networking break intervals for both day
• Session 1: Trend Claims & Science
• Session 2: Formulation to Market Entrance
Day 2: Tues., 6. Nov. | Seminar concludes at 13.30
• Session 3: Quality, Data Generation & Management
• Session 4: National-/Global Compliance challenges explained by Case Studies
For more Info:

Looking fwd. to seeing all our CCE colleagues in the Gaudi/Tapas capital of ‘El Mundo’! Safe travels, Sei gesund, Steven ‘Czar of Coomunications’, CCC