In May 2021, CCE goes into the 2nd Season for its online Safety Assessment Training – What kind of learning did the Lecturers take home from Round 1?
In May 2021, CCE goes into the 2nd Season for its online Safety Assessment Training – What kind of learning did the Lecturers take home from Round 1?
The first course of the e-training program on cosmetic product safety assessment, which is jointly presented by Cosmetics Consultants Europe (CCE) and RWTH International Academy, goes into its last module in early April. Therefore, it is time to review and draw some conclusions in preparation for the second run.
The implementation as an e-training program was not a consequence of Covid-19; yet, it was done to make continuing education easier, especially for young women who often have difficulties to combine their careers with a family and children, while at the same time they are representing a large group of the workforce in the cosmetics’ sector. Aside of the option to learn from home, also the reliability for the course performance is mandatory. This is provided by CCE/RWTH IA through publication of the training schedule for the 6-module course in due time before the start. Therefore, a program is provided for achieving the skills for performing cosmetic product safety assessments within one year and it can be attended from any location on the planet.
The participants’ feedback after 5 modules executed is positive, the quote ‘Now, I know how to do the core of the cosmetic product safety report; I am starting to feel as being a Safety Assessor’, is summarizing the experience for most participants. The key resources for the success, as contributed from the curriculum, are that any theoretical learning phase is merged with discussion during the training seminar and, especially during a full day of exchange between lectures and attendees at the end of each module. This approach is possible because the majority of lecturers are longtime safety assessors, which are also involved in association work, in governmental processes and inspections; as such, during the discussions any theory is associated to cosmetics and their safety assessment. On behalf of the attendees the contribution to success is their ambition to learn; and therefore, their joining into lively; yet, also their following up with self learning sessions between the courses. Only the active live engagement of both, lectures and students allows, that all participants with their different educational background and experiences can be reached and that they are brought up to practical levels of performing safety assessments independently.
Therefore, the learning from the first e-training round is that it is mandatory for online sessions to create an exciting, positive learning atmosphere, and this responsibility is resting on the lecturers and moderators. With that, the online distance can be overcome, active live interaction becomes possible and the positive outcome can be achieved for even a diverse group of participants. Very supportive, of course, is a good online-tool, a stable connection and good audio support; however, participants’ videos appear as being of minor importance. However, very important as well is very diligent preparation of the screen presentations.
Next course begin is 25 May 2021

1. The CCE/RWTH Safety Assessment Training Courses will enable participants to perform SAs for cosmetics according to the Cosmetics Product Regulation N° 1223/2009.
2. CCE’s industry experts will contribute their hands-on experiences from doing SAs and RWTH Professors will provide scientific facts, background, etc. The online training will support those striving to do safety assessments for both the EU & UK markets with further advances one’s cosmetological sciences.
3. Upon successful course termination, an academic certificate will be issued by both CCE & the RWTH International Academy. Later, the course will be extended to a format of Safety Assessment in Regulatory Affairs leading upon completion to a RWTH Master Degree